Currently, I intend to build a web-application for artist booking for a company called Pasifika Artists Network. It will allow a venue to search for an artist by name or genre and request to book them, which will hopefully create an automated system for interested venues. Additionally, it makes it easier for my boss to sort through requests instead of being bombarded by emails in her inbox.
First, I will use cookies and sessions to allow a venue to register and log into an account so the owner knows which venues are interested in which artists and so the venue can keep track of which artist they booked. Next, I will use File I/O to create a file of user registration data. I will also use form processing and validation of entries to validate login and registration information for the venue. I will also use multi-dimensional arrays with JSON arrays . I will use loops and conditionals to present the list of artists to the venues and ones that match the type of entertainment that they are looking for. The custom functions will come up as necessary, but it might go into the search function.
I will do my best to have the basics of my project finished by Sunday, December 15. I will spend about a couple hours everyday working on the project. Hopefully after that, I will only have minor errors to fix. Then, I will do the screencastify to film my presentation.
So far, I have a registration page and began the js file for the artist database. Beside that, I do not have anything else.